SMO Research & Development Pvt Ltd
Welcome to M/s SMO Research & Development Private Limited, is a Bunch of inventive minds united in the quest to develop the mostsustainable,affordable, and efficient energy security solutions worldwide. SMO Research has been incorporated to provide Battery recycling solution world wide, SMO aims is to be helps India in the Mission of Waste to Wealth creation by proving 0% Waste Solution with our High End Pollution free Technology.
SMO Research & Development private Limited, Newly Formed Company, incorporated as 100% Subsidiary of A Well Reputed Diversified Portfolio owned Company SMO Ferro Alloys Private Limited.
A tale of passion, perseverance, and innovation Parent Company
SMO Started waste management by processing their Own Wastage.
SMO Research and Development has been incorporated for the purpose of doing research of Waste Battery Scrap.
SMO Research has been started extracting Black Mass from Batteries Scrap and Second step Initiated to recover Lithium, Cobalt and Nickle out of it.
With a Plant Capacity as follows

Black Mass Production Capacity- 300 Ton /Month

Extraction of Lithium , Cobalt and Nickle out of it on Small Scale
The Company has sufficient land and factory shed for manufacturing and processing of Batteries, Producing Black mass and extracting Lithium, Cobalt and Nickle out of it. Pilot Project for extracting Black mass was going on at Surat, Gujrat and Lab Scale Project for extracting Lithium, Nickle and Coblat was going on ATMeghnagar Industrial Area, Now Company has proposed to scale up this projects on Pilot level by purchasing Land at Shivgadh in Ratlam District.
For Manufacturing and processing of Batteries and Black mass both machine and labour required. We are proposing fully automatic plant and machines and also we work will be done in the Trible area where there is sufficient availability of cheaper labours.
Our Plans :
Our hubs will be located in strategic centralized locations. We are currently in the process of establishing our first full flaze unit at Shivgarh in Ratlam District, We also planning to set up our spoke outside India in the US by 2025. We also have plans to set up a spoke in the EU within the next two years.
Additionally, we are in the process of establishing spokes in southern and western India. Our customers and partners are all across the globe in the US, EU, Middle-East, East Asia, and South-East Asia.
Sustainability is at the heart of what we do, and we are inherently ESG focused with a target to Process 4 Million Tons of Batteries scrap by 2030.

Head Office:
- Wahid Villa, Wahid Nagar, Old Jaora Bypass Road, RATLAM 45700, Madhya Pradesh
- +91 9300096498
Factory Unit:
- Survey No. 11/1 Gram Shivgadh, District Ratlam (M.P.)